Mit der gerade angelaufenen Phase 4 von WoW Classic SoD und dem Start des Pre-Patches in Retail-WoW (The War Within) gibt es wieder jeder Menge Hotfixes und Notfall-Patches für World of Warcraft.
Mit dem Pre-Patch von WoW: The War Within sind bereits die großen Klassenänderungen für die kommende Erweiterung implementiert worden. Das hat unter anderem dazu geführt, dass Tier-Sets nachträglich angepasst wurden. Kurz nach diesen Klassen-Updates müssen die Entwickler bereits mit Hotfixes nachjustieren.
Denn Spielweisen wie der Tierherrschaft-Jäger waren viel zu stark. Die Hotfixes betreffen auch Saison der Entdeckungen von WoW (jetzt kaufen ) Classic, wo vor kurzem Phase 4 gestartet ist.
WoW Hotfixes (TWW und SoD, Stand 24. Juli 2024)
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- Season 3 Class Set - Bestial Wrath summoning a Dire Beast no longer grants a stack of Huntmaster's Call.
- Season 3 Class Set - Bestial Wrath Dire Beast summon duration reduced to 10 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Huntmaster's Call - Fenryr and Hati attack damage reduced by 20%.
- Huntmaster's Call - Fenryr Haste increase reduced to 8% (was 10%).
- Huntmaster's Call - Hati pet Damage buff reduced to 6% (was 8%).
- Survival
- Grenade Juggler procs will now only apply 1 Explosive Shot to the primary target (was primary and secondary targets).
- Players who had a Wildfire Bomb override from Wildfire Infusion's previous iteration have had them removed.
- Beast Mastery
- Warlock
- Destruction
- Decimation can now only trigger from critical strikes dealt by your direct damage abilities.
- Destruction
- Addressed an issue where newly created Evoker cannot queue for legacy content.
- Fixed a bug where a player may have been unable to fly if they had not previously unlocked Skyriding/Dragonriding. Any player-characters in this state will now automatically turn on Static Flight mode when they log in.
- Using a Character Boost, Race Change, or Faction Change no longer disqualifies the character from doing Heritage Armor quests.
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- Eadwaerd has remembered where he placed his notes and has set them back out for players, allowing them to complete "Handling It".
Season of Discovery
- Items
- Burning Essences will now always drop from the Dark Coffer in Blackrock Depths.
- Librams of Resilience now have an additional chance to drop from certain bosses in Blackrock Depths and Blackrock Spire.
- When Might of Stormwind is restored from a Chronoboon, the buff will now appear properly in the tooltip and it will now correctly apply to the player's pet.
- You may now mount while Gift of Gob is active.
- Darkmoon Card: Sandstorm will now correctly hit enemies that are within line of sight, and not hit enemies that are out of line of sight.
- Darkmoon Card: Decay internal cooldown increased to 3 seconds.
- Pix Xizzix now offers the Drakestone caster offhands for 50 Undermine Real each.
- Developers' notes: While we don't intend to put everything of this nature onto the vendor, the offhands from Sunken Temple felt right to us.
- Professions
- Mixology now always gives at least 2 potions as intended.
- Professions with adjusted level requirements for Expert and Artisan ranks have been returned to their original level requirements.
- Druid
- Idol of the Moon tooltip updated for accuracy and clarity. The item's effect is unchanged.
- Idol of the Moon now correctly applies to Starfall and Sunfire.
- Idol of Brutality now correctly applies to Mangle (Bear).
- Idol of Ferocity no longer incorrectly discounts Mangle (Bear).
- Idol of the Dream now correctly affects Swipe (Cat).
- Mage
- Players can now have only one Mana Shield active at a time. If an equal or higher rank of Mana Shield is cast on the target, it will overwrite the previous Mana Shield.
- Fixed an issue with Rewind Time where refreshing Temporal Beacon on a target after that target took damage, which would make any damage taken before the refresh not get healed by Rewind Time.
- Improved Arcane Missiles now also grants 20% spell pushback resistance per talent point to Regeneration and Mass Regeneration and 14% spell pushback resistance per talent point to Arcane Blast.
- Mass Regeneration will now refresh Temporal Beacon each time it heals a target, instead of just when initially hitting a target.
- Paladin
- Blessing of Sanctuary and Greater Blessing of Sanctuary no longer stack.
- Libram of the Consecrated is no longer be removed by ticks of Hallowed Ground.
- Malleable Protection's version of Divine Protection now correctly has a 5-minute cooldown.
- Malleable Protection's version of Divine Protection will now correctly share a cooldown between its two ranks and Divine Shield.
- The cooldown on Paladin Avenger's Shield has been reduced to 15 seconds (was 30 seconds), and the duration of its movement Snare effect has been reduced to 5 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Priest
- Juju Might no longer erroneously benefits from the Improved Inner Fire talent.
- Vampiric Embrace heal range increased from 30 yards to 40 yards.
- Warrior
- Rampage now appears as a buff when activated.
Auch in SoD wurden viele Änderungen für einige Klassen und auch Items vorgenommen. In Phase 4 von Saison der Entdeckungen könnt ihr mittlerweile bis Stufe 60 leveln und Geschmolzener Kern raiden. In Retail-WoW beginnt ab nächster Woche (31. Juli 2024) das Pre-Event von The War Within. Freut ihr euch schon darauf?
Quelle |
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