Cast For I Want To Eat Your Pancreas (君の膵臓をたべたい) (2018)

1. I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2018) | Japanese Voice-Over Wikia | Fandom

  • Role, Seiyū. Character, 文字, Voice Actor, 文字. "Me"/Haruki Shiga, 「僕」/志賀 春樹, Mahiro Takasugi, 高杉 真宙. Sakura Yamauchi, 山内 桜良, Lynn, Lynn.

  • I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (君の膵臓をたべたい) is a 2018 Japanese romance drama film produced by Keiji Mita. The film was released in Japan on September 1, 2018.

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2018) | Japanese Voice-Over Wikia | Fandom

2. I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2018) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Top Billed Cast · Mahiro Takasugi. Haruki Shiga (voice) · Lynn. Sakura Yamauchi (voice) · Yukiyo Fujii. Kyoko Takimoto (voice) · Yuma Uchida. Takahiro (voice) · Jun ...

  • After his classmate and crush is diagnosed with a pancreatic disease, an average high schooler sets out to make the most of her final days.

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2018) — The Movie Database (TMDB)

3. Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai (I Want To Eat Your Pancreas) - MyAnimeList

  • Characters & Voice Actors · Yamauchi, Sakura · Shiga, Haruki · Takimoto, Kyouko · Miyata, Issei · Yamauchi, Mother · Takahiro · Shiga, Mother · Shiga, Father.

  • The aloof protagonist: a bookworm who is deeply detached from the world he resides in. He has no interest in others and is firmly convinced that nobody has any interest in him either. His story begins when he stumbles across a handwritten book, titled Living with Dying. He soon identifies it as a secret diary belonging to his popular, bubbly classmate Sakura Yamauchi. She then confides in him about the pancreatic disease she is suffering from and that her time left is finite. Only her family knows about her terminal illness; not even her best friends are aware. Despite this revelation, he shows zero sympathy for her plight, but caught in the waves of Sakura's persistent buoyancy, he eventually concedes to accompanying her for her remaining days. As the pair of polar opposites interact, their connection strengthens, interweaving through their choices made with each passing day. Her apparent nonchalance and unpredictability disrupts the protagonist's impassive flow of life, gradually opening his heart as he discovers and embraces the true meaning of living. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai (I Want To Eat Your Pancreas) - MyAnimeList

4. I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2018) - Letterboxd

  • Cast · Crew · Details · Genres · Releases. Cast. Mahiro Takasugi Lynn Yukiyo Fujii ... 君の膵臓をたべたい」, Хочу съесть твою поджелудочную железу, 너의 췌장을 ...

  • After his classmate and crush is diagnosed with a pancreatic disease, an average high schooler sets out to make the most of her final days.

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2018) - Letterboxd

5. I Want to Eat Your Pancreas | Dubbing Wikia - Fandom

  • Voice Cast ; Sakura Yamauchi, Lynn · Erika Harlacher ; Kyoko, Yukiyo Fujii · Kira Buckland ; Takahiro, Yūma Uchida · Kyle McCarley.

  • I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (君の膵臓をたべたい Kimi no Suizō o Tabetai), also known as Let Me Eat Your Pancreas, is A Japanese animated film adaptation of the novel, The film is distributed by Aniplex in Japan, and premiered in theaters on September 1, 2018. Ryan Bartley Lucien Dodge Kyle Hebert Xanthe Huynh Erica Mendez Kayli Mills Laura Post Laura Stahl Kaiji Tang I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia I Want to Eat Your Pancreas at the Internet Movie Database

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas | Dubbing Wikia - Fandom

6. 君の膵臓をたべたい - JFDB

  • 2018. Kimi no suizo o tabetai. 君の膵臓をたべたい. I want to eat your pancreas. シェア · 予告編. (c)住野よる ...

  • 実写映画化もされヒットした住野よるの同名小説が原作の劇場アニメ。本作で監督デビューを飾った牛嶋新一郎が、脚本も担当。 高校生の「僕」(声:高杉真宙)は病院で一冊の文庫本を拾う。「共病文庫」と題されたその本は、天真爛漫な同級生・山内桜良(声:Lynn)の日記帳だった。桜良は自分が…

君の膵臓をたべたい - JFDB

7. 劇場アニメ「君の膵臓をたべたい」公式サイト|2019年4月Blu ...

  • 主人公である「僕」を演じるのは、映画『PとJK. ストーリー. 彼女は言った。「 ...

  • 原作累計260万部突破の大ヒット小説 待望の劇場アニメ化!衝撃的なタイトルから予測できない「僕」と桜良の儚い物語が劇場アニメーション映画として全国公開。劇場アニメ『キミスイ』Blu-ray&DVD発売決定!

劇場アニメ「君の膵臓をたべたい」公式サイト|2019年4月Blu ...

8. I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2017) - MyDramaList

  • 12 okt 2017 · I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (Japanese Movie); 君の膵臓をたべたい; Let Me Eat Your Pancreas;Kimi no Suizo wo Tabetai;きみのすいぞうをたべたい ...

  • 'I want to eat your pancreas' Yamauchi Sakura told Shiga Haruki while shelving books at the library. 12 years have passed Haruki, now a homeroom teacher...

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2017) - MyDramaList

9. I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2018) - The Movie Database

  • 23 jan 2019 · Hoofdrolspelers ; Mahiro Takasugi. Haruki Shiga (voice) ; Lynn. Sakura Yamauchi (voice) ; Yukiyo Fujii. Kyoko Takimoto (voice) ; Yuma Uchida.

  • Nadat bij zijn klasgenoot en geliefde een pancreasziekte is vastgesteld, wil een gemiddelde middelbare scholier het beste uit haar laatste dagen halen.

I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (2018) - The Movie Database
Cast For I Want To Eat Your Pancreas (君の膵臓をたべたい) (2018)


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